Our model elementary school is located at Tuba and presently serves a total of 74 students.
Arise had class space for only pre-school to grade three until the 2022 academic year; transitioning students from Basic three to Basic four had to further their studies in Government schools located in either of the communities we serve.
Since 2022, AEF has eight Grades: Nursery (I & II), Kindergarten (I & II) and Basic 1- 6, students in the Basic five and six are our Foundation class. In 2023, we had a total of 81 beneficiaries with seven students transition to different schools because they had to relocate further away from the school.
Darüber hinaus unterrichten wir jedes Kind durch spielerische Aktivitäten. Wir fördern die Neugier der Schüler:innen, um vermitteln ihnen den Spaß am lernen und neues zu entdecken.
AEF ensures to maintain the high standards of an educational institution and provide them the best of services. Our self-imposed values stems from the mnemonics “ARISE”.
Vertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten haben und stets bereit sind, sich weiterzuentwickeln, um einfallsreich zu sein.
Students and staff should be answerable to their actions and duties
Ehrlich, selbstmotiviert, das Richtige auch dann zu machen, wenn niemand zuschaut.
Gedanken und Taten sollen dem Wohl der anderen dienen.
Motivator sein, um Personal und Schüler:innen gleichermaßen zu Höchstleistungen anzuspornen.
Außerdem übernehmen unsere Lehrer:innen die Verantwortung für die Fortschritte der Schüler:innen und ermutigen sie, sich an Werte zu halten.
Extra Curricular School Activities
Friday Activities
We spend our Friday afternoons at school with games, projects or sporting activities.
In our Friday Activities, playtoys from the German company „goki“ play a central role. At goki, they believe in making responsible toys: only using wood from sustainable, European forestry. They endeavor to manufacture as many products as possible in a recyclable way.
In 2023 alone, Arise received a total of 50 Units of toy shipment, so user friendly to all our elementary school classes. Some of these include Balancierspiel, Ringwurfspiel, Dominos and puzzle games.
Arise takes this opportunity to thank goki for the great toys that we all enjoy so much, especially on our Friday Activites!
Early Morning Reading Activity
Committed to the mission of empowering students through innovative educational programs, the Early Morning Reading Activity significantly nurtured a love for reading and enhancing students’ literacy skills. At Arise, and of course, everywhere, a child reading is a child learning.
Lesen zu lernen ist eine der grundlegenden Fähigkeiten, die man in der Schule lernt, aber auch eine der wichtigsten, denn sie ist grundlegend für den zukünftigen Unterricht in der Schule. Deshalb investieren wir viel Zeit in unsere morgendliche Aktivität, um unsere Schüler zu trainieren, damit sie ihre Lesefähigkeiten verbessern und sich in die Aktivität verlieben.
Tech X — IT Classes
Tech Experience is a computer literacy project focused on introducing students to basic computer knowledge and responsible internet usage. In our fast paced and tech dominated dispensation, the importance of computer literacy cannot be overstated.
On this backdrop, Arise e.V in partnership with the Macina Foundation runs weekend IT lessons for the school’s primary four to six pupils, each lesson lasting a three-hour period.
Total of 18 Students have been enrolled unto these lessons over the last one year: averagely holding two lessons in each month.
Film Festival
In partnership with the Kokrobitey Institute our students joined a monthly Environmental Film festival for children in the Kokrobitey, Langma communities. The primary purpose of the film festival is to expose young people to the world.
Unser Ziel
Wir wollen Freude am Lernen fördern und gleichzeitig Bildungsangebote für begabte, aber bedürftige Kinder in unserer Schule bereitstellen. Wir möchten einen kulturellen Austausch zwischen unserem Team und den Begünstigten ermöglichen, mit regelmäßigen Interaktionen zwischen Deutschland und Ghana.
Our Teaching Staff
“I hold a Bsc. in Economics from the Ashesi University. It’s my desire to teach pupils. I find it fulfilling to do what i do in the sight of God and the sight of men.”
“Studied B.A Sociology and Linguistics in the University of Ghana, Legon. I belive the sky is big enough to accomodate every single star.”
“Valentine Deepak Nii Aduaku Sarpong, a BA Economics and Statistics student of University of Ghana, Legon. I am a resourceful and vibrant individual who likes to learn and discover.”
“I am a graduate from the University of Cape coast, i read child education and psychology. I love to teach beacuse it's my vision to provide quality on hands technology and methodology, driven eduction to our current students.”
“Studied BA in Communication at Jayee University College. I believe everyone is unique and special hence the mindset determines the farthest one can go.”
Non Teaching Staff
Lehrplan und Fähigkeiten-Entwicklung für die Lehrkräfte
Curriculum Development Workshops at the KI
The Kokrobitey Institute is an organization that support development by facilitating projects and programs that demonstrate the intersections between Art, Culture, Design, Health, & Sustainable Development through Literacy. We formed a curriculum development team focused on a phonics-based literacy curriculum to address challenges around literacy and critical thinking in local schools and develop materials and new approaches to ensure experiential teaching and learning.
Unser Schul-Kit